Tag: Value and invest

  • Goals vs. Identity in Personal Finance

    Goals vs. Identity in Personal Finance

    When we look to create change and success in our finances, we usually focus on setting goals. Goals are incredibly helpful in moving the needle in your finances. Yet they fall short in one key area: they shift the focus away from identity. While behaviors, goals, and identity are intertwined, I’m going to make the…

  • Every Dollar is a Vote for Your Values

    Every Dollar is a Vote for Your Values

    Every dollar we spend is a vote in favor of that item bringing us a degree of happiness. A new haircut, childcare, groceries, take-out, insurance premiums, new brakes for a car. Each of those items has the ability to give us something that gives us a degree of security, happiness, or change. So why do…

  • Why You Need More Than a Budget

    Why You Need More Than a Budget

    The personal budget is the holy grail of financial planning. Since this article is going to run a bit counter to some of what you’ve been taught, let me state up-front that, yes, budgets can be an incredible tool to support you in aligning your finances and goals. I use the zero-based budget method, and…

  • Why You Think You’re Bad With Money

    Why You Think You’re Bad With Money

    The top comment I hear when I tell women I work in behavioral finance is “I’m not good with money.” The two contenders for a close second are “I don’t know anything about money.” and “I don’t know anything about investing.” I could write a book on why I think women say this to me,…

  • Financial Forgiveness In Real Life: Salary Negotiations

    Financial Forgiveness In Real Life: Salary Negotiations

    When we delve into financial mistakes, we need to be ready to go deep, and figure out what the underlying mistake was. Who was involved? What was actually happening? If you want to stop a pattern of behavior, you need to know what is driving that pattern.

  • Let Your Values Shine Through Your Finances

    Let Your Values Shine Through Your Finances

    Your money is one of the best places to start when you are talking about who you want to be. In fact, your money might be the THE best place to start. Your financial behaviors reveal and reinforce your values. The number one area that most of us miss about money is that that “being…