Tag: Financial intelligence

  • Why Both Husbands and Wives Need to Know Finances

    Why Both Husbands and Wives Need to Know Finances

    In passing, I’ve heard several women comment that they feel comfortable leaving financial planning to their spouse.  Some of them are new wives, some of them have been married a few decades, and a few aren’t even dating. I’ve seen this play out quite well several times, where a single person in the household –…

  • Don’t Care About Money – Care about Values

    Don’t Care About Money – Care about Values

    I had a recent conversation with a young woman, in which she posed an interesting question. It was at the core of why I believe you need to connect your values with the idea of money and investing. My friend is bright, hard-working, has a lot going for her, and about to embark on the…

  • Why I Wish I Hadn’t Paid Off My Educational Loan

    Why I Wish I Hadn’t Paid Off My Educational Loan

    My mom often said “An ordinary man learns from his own mistakes.  A wise man learns from the mistakes of others.  But a fool never learns.” There are plenty of great reasons to pay off debt.  Maybe you don’t want to pay interest.  Or perhaps you just want peace of mind.  For many people, educational debt is the only way…

  • The Best Financial Advice I Ever Received

    The Best Financial Advice I Ever Received

    I was 25 when I received the best financial advice from a good friend.  My husband and I had asked a couple we respected to talk with us informally about marriage during our engagement.  They graciously agreed, and we covered several different topics.  One of them was money.  These friends were wicked smart, but weren’t wealthy by any stretch…

  • 4 Tips to For a Successful Financial Conversation with Your Partner

    4 Tips to For a Successful Financial Conversation with Your Partner

    Talking about money with your partner can be boring, interesting, loathsome, tedious, and great.  Most people don’t think it’s great.  Most people avoid talking about money with their partner.  Even if you are doing well financially and have similar values, you still may struggle to talk about money. My husband and I were notorious for…