Category: Financial Behavior
The Financial Brilliance of Cat Janice
In January 2024, I joined a small group of friends and supporters in an emotional last-ditch effort to encourage folks on different social media platforms to pre-save Cat Janice’s song, “Dance You Outta My Head.” She was in hospice, nearing the end of a terrific fight with cancer, and she had transferred the rights to…
It’s Groundhog Day. . . again (how to start tax season)
Well, it’s groundhog day. . . again. And that means two things. First, my family will be eating the order Phil Connors (Bill Murray) places when he’s pulled over by the cops: burgers, milkshakes, coke, and flapjacks. A tradition worth adopting, believe me. Second, it’s tax time! Groundhog day naturally kicks off the tax season…
Why It’s Hard To Set Priorities
One of the best-kept “secrets” to success is setting priorities. Our priorities are those things that we regard as important, compared to other areas. If you aren’t sure what your priorities are, take a look at your calendar and your checkbook. How we spend our time and money speaks volumes about what our priorities are,…
Goals vs. Identity in Personal Finance
When we look to create change and success in our finances, we usually focus on setting goals. Goals are incredibly helpful in moving the needle in your finances. Yet they fall short in one key area: they shift the focus away from identity. While behaviors, goals, and identity are intertwined, I’m going to make the…
Every Dollar is a Vote for Your Values
Every dollar we spend is a vote in favor of that item bringing us a degree of happiness. A new haircut, childcare, groceries, take-out, insurance premiums, new brakes for a car. Each of those items has the ability to give us something that gives us a degree of security, happiness, or change. So why do…
Why You Think You’re Bad With Money
The top comment I hear when I tell women I work in behavioral finance is “I’m not good with money.” The two contenders for a close second are “I don’t know anything about money.” and “I don’t know anything about investing.” I could write a book on why I think women say this to me,…