  • Financial Forgiveness In Real Life: Salary Negotiations

    Financial Forgiveness In Real Life: Salary Negotiations

    When we delve into financial mistakes, we need to be ready to go deep, and figure out what the underlying mistake was. Who was involved? What was actually happening? If you want to stop a pattern of behavior, you need to know what is driving that pattern.

  • Let Your Values Shine Through Your Finances

    Let Your Values Shine Through Your Finances

    Your money is one of the best places to start when you are talking about who you want to be. In fact, your money might be the THE best place to start. Your financial behaviors reveal and reinforce your values. The number one area that most of us miss about money is that that “being…

  • 4 Studies That Counter Women Investor Stereotypes

    4 Studies That Counter Women Investor Stereotypes

    The prevailing opinion on women as investors within the financial community has been that women are “risk adverse” compared to their male counterparts in relation to their financial portfolios. Further, from a larger social perspective, women are often viewed as more emotional than men, even though men show equivalent, if different emotions: crying for women…

  • Identifying Your Underlying Values

    Identifying Your Underlying Values

    There’s a connection between stale cheese crackers and your financial management.  Hear me out.  We took all four kids to swim in a river on a Sunday afternoon. It was a great time. I packed a cooler with watermelon, water, and an assortment of leftover snacks in the pantry. One of them was a slightly stale…

  • How To Feel Wealthy Now

    How To Feel Wealthy Now

    You’re allowed to feel wealthy right now, and you don’t need a finance degree to figure it out. All you have to do is find one super simple, small, repeatable step to make you feel great.

  • Forgiving Financial Mistakes

    Forgiving Financial Mistakes

    When we look at forgiveness around financial mistakes, the most important area to focus on is always the deeper mistake. Forgiving deeper mistakes moves you to a place of freedom and prepares you for the next step on your financial journey.